Department of Justice

How do local police forces and FBI offices find material and instructors for training?

In general, there is not much information on the process of how police forces and FBI offices find material and istructors for training. But the requirements are the following:

FBI Applied Linguists Instructor

  • A person must be a United States citizen and needs to pass a Top Secret background investigation.
  • At the minimum  a four-year degree from an accredited postsecondary school in linguistics or criminal justice must be required.
  • It is preferred to have experience teaching a foreign language.

The Police Academy Instructor

  • Generally one must be of 19 years or older and has to be a resident of the city of which the  person is planning to instruct in.
  • A degree from a four-year college with a major in criminology, behavioral science or police administration is preferred. 
  • It can also be required to gain three to five years of on-the-job experience as a police officer or state trooper before you can be employed as an academy instructor.
Identify what is an FOIA request.

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a law that gives you the right to access information from the federal government. It is often described as the law that keeps citizens in the know about their government. The FOIA is a law that gives you the right to access information from the federal government. It is often described as the law that keeps citizens in the know about their government. Under the FOIA, agencies must disclose any information that is requested – unless that information is protected from public disclosure. The FOIA also requires that agencies automatically disclose certain information, including frequently requested records. As Congress, the President, and the Supreme Court have all recognized, the FOIA is a vital part of our democracy.

What has CAIR done requarding this issue?

CAIR has sent a letter to the Department of Justice accusing the FBI of hiring anti-Islam experts to teach law-enforcement agents about Islam and of focusing a disproportionate amount of the training on the threat from Islamic terrorists. The link below is a pdf file with the actual letter that was sent. Now, CAIR is working on requesting specific information on the FBI's trainers to prevent anti-Muslim teachings. 

Media Coverage Dedicated to the Issue!
There has been alot of media coverage dedicated to the issue requarding the use of training material and instructors for FBI and police training. The radio station, NPR has dedicated a news section to the issue. It was called "How Did Anti-Muslim Bias Seep into FBI Training?". In this article, they spoke of the baised tachings of anti-msulim in the FBI. Also they spoke of the slides of the FBI training presentation that was leaked. The presentation contained baised information regarding Msulims being terrorists, and the Prophet Mohammad being the military leader. 

What Do Public Officials Have to Say?
Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky challenged the anti-Muslim training and questioned the FBI director about the allegations. 

My Thoughts!

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